Laki kauppaedustajista ja myyntimiehistä 1992/417
Laki elinkeinonharjoittajien välisten sopimusehtojen sääntelystä 1062/1993
Laki varallisuusoikeudellisista oikeustoimista 228/1929
Kauppalaki 355/1987
Laki sopimattomasta menettelystä elinkeinotoiminnassa 1061/78
Lag (1984:292) om avtalsvillkor mellan näringsidkare
Resale price maintenance and restriction of parallel trade
Online sales restriction
Resale price maintenance and shared markets
Information exchange and resale price maintenance
On 24 February 2025, the Polish competition authority (‘UOKiK’) issued an infringement decision regarding an…
The MVBER provides for a safe harbour under EU competition rules for vertical agreements in the automotive sector.
New warning
In a press release issued on 24 February 2025, the Dutch Competition Authority (‘ACM’) announced that it has…
You may recall that the Distribution Law Center launched the newsletter “Distribution Talks” in response to the entering…
A comprehensive overview of the history of European distribution law provided as a clickable timeline.
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