Grant of Permission to Enter into Vertical Agreements which Restrict or May Restrict Free Competition (group exemption)

Konkurentsi kahjustavate või kahjustada võivate vertikaalsete kokkulepete sõlmimiseks loa andmine (grupierand) (RT I 2010, 23, 112)

Law of Obligations Act

Võlaõigusseadus (RT I 2001, 81, 487) § 670-691 (agendilepingu ptk)

Law on Unfair Competition

Νόμος 146/1914 Περί αθεμίτου ανταγωνισμού - An official online publication is currently not available

Competition Act


Act CLXIV on Trade

2005. évi CLXIV. törvény a kereskedelemről

Act LIV on the Protection of Business Secrets

2018. évi LIV. törvény az üzleti titok védelméről - An official online publication is currently not available